Looking for More Help?

In addition to the information, templates, and poster community provided by PosterBuzz, we also offer additional services to help you or your colleagues, post-docs, or students improve their posters. We can work with you in a number of ways including:

  • Workshop and poster tours
  • Webinars
  • Train the trainers
  • One-on-one consultations

Workshops and Poster Walking Tours
PosterBuzz offers a variety of custom workshops that can be customized to fit the needs of your meeting, department, or group. For example:

  • Poster Walking Tour – (1 hour total) An in-person, 15-minute presentation on creating effective posters followed by an informal review of 8-10 posters in front of the group, examining pros and cons of each.
  • Creating a Message-Driven Poster (1.5 hours total) – Formal, 40-minute presentation with exercises to help participants understand how to think differently about posters and then respond to stronger and weaker examples of message-driven posters.
  • Soup-to-Nuts Poster Intensive (3.0 hours total) – Formal presentation and exercises, followed by supported time working on individual posters, presentation to the group, review, and revision.

Following any of these workshops and tours, the PosterBuzz consultant can provide one-on-one consultation over the phone or through a webinar to individuals or groups.

A cost-effective alternative to live workshops or a poster tour, an interactive “Thinking Inside the Box” webinar is 1.5 hours, can be scaled to accommodate up to 50 people, and can be recorded for future listening.

Following the webinar, PosterBuzz can provide one-on-one consultation over the phone or through a webinar to individuals or groups on an hourly basis.

Train the Trainer
If you’re looking to build your department’s capacity to improve graduate and other students’ posters, we can train faculty in the principles of effective poster making. This includes conduct of a “Thinking Inside the Box” webinar, a half-day, face-to-face intensive session on strategic posters, consultation on 6-8 student posters (done in tandem with faculty), and additional PosterBuzz materials.

Basic Consultation
For individual scientists looking for immediate help on a poster, PosterBuzz can provide customized feedback and support. This can include taking someone from poster conception through strategy, message, design and editing, poster talk and production, or consultation on poster drafts as needed. This service is offered at $100/hour.

Contact Us
Please contact John Beilenson at jbeilenson@aboutscp.com for more information about setting up any of these sessions or consulting.